[QuadList] Fwd: Quad expertise sought for Video Restoration in the MIddle East

Ted Langdell ted at quadvideotapegroup.com
Wed Dec 23 13:30:12 CST 2009

A call from Cairo came in this morning, along with Happy Christmas  
wishes and a request for help.

The call was from Eyad Aly Labib, the CEO of a system integrator that  
reps Grass Valley and other manufacturers from Egypt's capital.

In a number of countries, the materials can't be taken out of the  
country or out of the facility to be handled at already-equipped  
facilities elsewhere in the world.

On-site or in-country transfer labs are the only option, so he's  
looking for collaborative assistance from those who can help train, or  
directly assist in setting up on-site Quad and one-inch facilities at  
various places in the Middle East.

In addition to the technical aspects of Quad refurbishment,  
maintenance and operation, he's looking for   people who can train  
others to properly recognize tape condition, implement appropriate  
handling like cleaning and baking, and then optimize tape playback.

Equipment assessment and acquisition help would also be in the mix,  
along with knowledge of PAL, SECAM and pre-color recording formats in  
the Middle East.

I concluded our conversation with "Salaam," and told him I'd pass this  
on to folks on the list.

As his message below indicates, they're planning to be in California  
(LA, if I recall correctly) the first week of January and would like  
to meet with any list members who are available, and if possible, tour  
their facilities.

Interested list members can reply directly to Eyad Aly Labib<elabib at bwaves.com 

Hope this finds all of you in good health, good spirits and surrounded  
by those who love you.


Ted Langdell

Begin forwarded message:

> From: elabib at bwaves.com <elabib at bwaves.com>
> Date: December 23, 2009 10:03:47 AM PST
> To: ted at quadvideotapegroup.com
> Cc: Marwan Abou El Nour <marwan.abouelnour at bwaves.com>, Nashwa  
> Mahran <nashwa.mahran at bwaves.com>, "Ahmed. Abdallah at Bwaves. Com" <ahmed.abdallah at bwaves.com 
> >, Eyad Aly Labib <elabib at bwaves.com>, elabib at me.com
> Subject: Video Restoration in the MIddle East
> Dear Ted,
> I would like to start by thanking you for today's enjoyable, helpful  
> and informative call. To sum up what I outlined to day in our phone  
> call, Brainwaves is a systems integrator working throughout the  
> Middle East in the ICT broadcast sector. As we are the only vendors  
> who actually designed and setup archiving and restoration facility,  
> we find ourselves increasingly faced with demand for assistance in  
> the tape restoration domain: be it as design, supply, integration or  
> installation of facilities, but, more frequently it is with demand  
> for service or support for the facilities we are to setup for older  
> formats of video, specifically 1 and 2 " tape, along with the  
> necessary apriori physical restoration.
> What we are looking for is potential for cooperation in setting  
> those up, realizing that we have significant experience in setting  
> the rest of the chain and the facilities (digital restoration,  
> archiving, MAM, site-preparation, etc); more specifically, we are  
> looking for collaboration (partnership, consultancy, service, or any  
> combination thereof) to complement our facilities and skills in  
> setting up such facility and (in case of on-site operation)  
> supplying such services.
> We will be in California starting the 3rd through the 5th of January  
> and would appreciate the opportunity to meet up with any of your  
> group's members who are interested to address such collaboration. A  
> visit to any of your members facilities would also be of interest.
> Thanking you, I remain,,
> Sincerely Yours
> Eyad Aly Labib
> Chairman and CEO
> Brainwaves Systems
> Brainwaves House
> 3 B El Salamlik St., Beverly Hills
> Sheikh Zayed, 6th of October
> Giza 12451
> Egypt
> Tel: +20-2-3857-0971/3
> Fax: +20-2-38570974
> Email: elabib at bwaves.com

Ted Langdell

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