[QuadList] Responding to: Excellent Exchange - Need training for non-gray hairs

Ted Langdell ted at quadvideotapegroup.com
Tue Feb 17 10:28:51 CST 2009

On Feb 17, 2009, at 3:31 AM, allanmc-avtech at comcast.net wrote:

> Not only is there an interest to play back problematic tapes in  
> large numbers at the NAVCC, but it needs to be done economically.    
> And economy becomes a vital part of the formula when they will look  
> at a very limited budget which may only enable a small number of  
> "gray haired old guys with expert eyes" that are necessary to re- 
> master their valuable, but sizable, collection of quad tapes.

On Feb 17, 2009, at 6:53 AM, C. Park Seward wrote:
> Great discourse, Allan.
> However, if I only had one chance to transfer a quad tape that was  
> falling apart, I would want one of those expensive grey hairs doing  
> it.

The concept of a "touchless Quad Head" is what caused me to mention  
the first QVTG lunch at NAB to Steve Nease when he brought up the  
subject at a business breakfast we were having.

The need to train new people—with or without hair—in the care and  
feeding of Quad machines, safe and careful recovery of content from  
tape and the need to "migrate" the knowledge the experienced folks  
have onto some form of media is what transformed the lunch discussion  
from enjoyable socializing to enjoyable socializing with a beneficial,  
long-term purpose.

I think those who were there said, "Yes, let's do that."  And those  
who have come along since, have said so, too.

Steve indicated there was likely money available to bring people to  
NAVCC for training seminars and other things.  That needs to be  
followed up on.

The concept of a "Quad Tour" that helps take the training to the  
trainees has been floated. That also needs to be penciled out and  
developed, and put into action or shelved until there's money,  
interest, support.

Either way, we as a group need to start developing the "course  
material" and then work out how to deliver it... and at the same time  
preserve the teaching for future generations... the great grandkids  
and great-great grandkids of the folks who began videotape—this great  
thing we're all fascinated by.

They may develop the technology that makes a touchless Quad head  
possible. Or other "non-invasive, non-destructive" methods of  
recovering the cultural content from the tapes now on shelves.

They may laugh or wonder at what they see, but we'll have given them  
some insight into their roots, and connection with us at the same time.

What's do you think our next step in this process... a process we can  
begin to do now?


Ted Langdell
Skype: 	TedLangdell

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