[QuadList] 15,000 hours of quad tape to be transfered

Don Norwood dwnorwood at embarqmail.com
Sat Feb 28 08:22:38 CST 2009

Here's a story that may lead to a lot of transfer work for someone. 
Actually, I think it's about 50% quad and 50% 1".  If you click on the slide 
show advance, you'll see a pic of some of the stored tape.


As far as I know from a few visits to the studio, PTL was always an RCA 
shop, starting out with a TR-22 and later having a bunch of TR-70's.

I have an equipment inventory tag from an auctioned off piece of their 
equipment.  Besides the usual item number, the tag reads "Property of GOD, 
On Loan to PTL".  It was an "interesting" operation to say the 


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