[QuadList] Quad Libraries--White House Communications Agency

Steve Greene steve.greene at nara.gov
Tue Jan 6 12:38:55 CST 2009

I wish I was, but we were able to get funding to contract out where we
were unable to get the resources to scale up our in-house operation. 
Our quads have been quiet for six or seven years, now.

>>> ted at quadvideotapegroup.com 1/6/2009 12:42:36 PM >>>

Hi, Steve,

Thanks very much for the elaboration on the archiving process at the
Nixon library.

On Jan 6, 2009, at 6:22 AM, Steve Greene wrote:
For a number of years we (meaning me, largely) maintained an in-house
transfer capability using the RCA's.  I still have eight TR-600's and a
pool of spare parts and headwheels in our stack area.

Are you still doing things in house?


Ted Langdell

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