[QuadList] Super High Band

DCFWTX at aol.com DCFWTX at aol.com
Mon Jul 27 16:33:02 CDT 2009

Hello Bill,

Welcome to the list!

Although we don't have the SHB boards for the AVR-2, we do have functioning 
AVR-3's with Super High Band capability. Did some SHB work for a Nashville 
client some time back. So, if SHB transfer work is needed, feel free to 
contact me off list.

Best Regards,

David Crosthwait

DC Video 
Archived Media Transfer & Re-mastering Services
177 West Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA. 91502
818-563-1177 (fax)
818-285-9942 (cell)

In a message dated 7/27/2009 1:12:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
bill.spencer at northstarstudios.tv writes:

> Hello all!  I’m new to the list and I’ve searched most of the archives.  
> Finding nothing on SHB I thought I would ask if anyone has a demod board 
> for my AVR-2 to loan or a working machine that could transfer 17 hours of 
> material?
> I also have 2 MK-X refurbs to trade, either for the work or a good MK-XV 
> head.
> Ted said to tell a little something about myself so I’ll try to keep it 
> short!  I’ve been in the TV business since about 1960 and actually found out 
> they would pay you for doing it in 1967!  Cut my teeth on a VR-1000 at WKNO 
> in Memphis.  It was provided by NET to play their bicycled tapes.  I 
> remember playing the first mono tapes of Mr. Rogers back then.  We also had a 
> VR-1100 and 1200.  Moved on to TR-4, 5, 22 at KLVX in Las Vegas, then to PBS 
> in Washington where we had AVR-1.  To CBN in VA Beach where we had a TR-70 
> and TR-600 mix.  When I got here to Nashville at WDCN they were still using 
> a mix of TR-61 and TR-600.  At my present location at NorthStar Studios I 
> keep up an AVR-2 and a TR-600 doing quad transfers as one of my side 
> functions!  I think I’m the only active engineer in Nashville that still does 
> quad work.  I sold my VR-2000s a few years back.
> I also do video and have to go get ready for a two hour live show this 
> evening, so I’m looking forward to sharing quad stories and being a part of 
> this forum.
> BTW, I turned down the 15,000 hour job a couple of years ago!  I did a few 
> sample transfers for the guy who was shopping it at the time and informed 
> him that the rights issue would be the hardest part of what they wanted to 
> do.  Since then I think the lot has passed through two other hands.  I’m a 
> purist who thinks every frame of film or video is a precious moment in time 
> that someone somewhere would be interested in seeing if it was made 
> available, so I hate to think of it all going to the landfill!
> 73,
> Bill Spencer, KY4O
>  RF Engineering Supervisor
>  NorthStar Studios, Inc.
>  3201 Dickerson Pike
>  Nashville, TN 37207

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