[QuadList] FR-600s - Was Re: NPR story: Houston, We Erased The Apollo 11...

DCFWTX at aol.com DCFWTX at aol.com
Thu Jul 16 16:43:32 CDT 2009


You may have some books Ken Zin is looking for! You may want to email him:

kenzin at sbcglobal.net

Best Regards,

David Crosthwait

DC Video 
Archived Media Transfer & Re-mastering Services
177 West Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA. 91502
818-563-1177 (fax)
818-285-9942 (cell)

In a message dated 7/16/2009 2:37:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time, dave at zfx.com 

> Don: Amazing!
> I'm still trying to track down the guy I gave these machines to!
>  I've updated my blog with more detailed pictures and some scans of the 
> manual pages.
>  http://www.davesieg.com
> I presume you know about the effort to restore the radar mapping data that 
> was recorded on a 2" machine, the FR-900, which was essentially a quad 
> tape machine for data...
> http://www.moonviews.com/archives/2009/06/lunar_orbiter_image_recovery_p_9.html
> Do you have the maintenance manuals and schematics? I have a full set of 
> books!
> Dave
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Don Norwood <dwnorwood at embarqmail.com> 
> wrote:
> >> Dave:
>> We have something else in common!  I still have an FR-600.  In fact, I 
>> spent a good bit of time rebuilding it a couple of years ago.  I've attached 
>> a couple of pics to show one difference from the ones that you had.  
>> Instead of the manual mechanical speed change that you described, this one has 
>> the speed change function controlled by buttons on the control panel as 
>> you can see in its pic.  The shot of the rear of the transport shows the 
>> capstan drive motor and two sets of pullys.  The speed change was 
>> accomplished by a combination of changing the motor speed via the servo system and 
>> selecting one of the two pully systems by engaging the proper solenoid to 
>> tension one set of belts or the other, all with push-button convenience!  
>> The speed info was also passed along to the signal system bays for their 
>> use.
>> Don
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> -- 
> Dave Sieg
> http://www.zfx.com
> http://www.davesieg.com
> http://www.scanimate.net
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