[QuadList] the view inside this TR-70B...

Don Norwood dwnorwood at embarqmail.com
Mon Jul 27 15:04:38 CDT 2009


This must be one for the record books!  Doubly surprising because the 
machine looked pristine from the outside.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Guy Spiller"

> is not pretty!
> Today, I started work on a 70B that I picked up a couple of years ago.
> Now that the Georgia machines are up and running, it was time to start
> on this one.
> I had not even removed the covers of this one until this morning.  First
> order of business is a visual inspection and cleaning of all the
> filters.  I have the large aluminum main cooling filters in the
> dishwasher  right now, but here's what I found inside the  filter
> assembly of  the  headwheel cooling blower.
> Yes, this machine came from Illinois, but I didn't pick it up from the
> middle of a cornfield.  I'm speechless!
> Guy
> -- 
> Guy Spiller
> email: quadruplex at verizon.net
> phone: (804) 379-2050
> website: www.GuySpiller.com
> Midlothian, VA

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