[QuadList] NEC TBC

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Sun Jul 12 12:44:01 CDT 2009

Yes it is the 8 card unit with 6 tbc's in  it  with the front controller 
panel. 4 u high.
thanks of  the info!  ---Ed P.s.  I will be using them with  eiaj.
In a message dated 7/12/2009 7:54:40 A.M. US  Mountain Standard Time, 
dwnorwood at embarqmail.com writes:
Hi Ed:
Perhaps a pic of what you actually have would be  helpful.  DPS (which 
became a part of Leitch which is now a part of  Harris) made many different 
models of TBC's ranging from somewhat  expensive models to fairly basic models.  
The single board "personal"  series were their least expensive units.  
You've referred to the single  board models but also to something that has 
multiple cards.  That could  be one of several "Expansion Systems" which they 
offered.  These were  enclosures with power supplies that could accomodate 
multiple cards.  The  largest was the ES-2000C which could hold 12 cards and 
included an  RC-2000 controller on the front panel of the 4U rack-mount.
Whichever version you have, these are very different TBC's  from models 
which were designed to work with quad machines or even 1"  machines.  They were 
intended for heterodyne VTR's such as U-Matic or  VHS.  My experience with 
DPS has been very good and while I do not have  any of the personal series, 
I suspect that you will find that they work fairly  well for their intended 

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