[QuadList] Prime Image TBC Freeze 2 <DPS TBC> (Was NEC TBC)

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Sun Jul 12 21:29:55 CDT 2009

yea...I noticed the stoutness of  this!
I  will  check around  for   more info..
maybe all I  really need is the tbc that is  in the canopus 300 box.

In a message dated 7/12/2009 7:00:49 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
dwnorwood at embarqmail.com writes:

Prime Image was founded by Bill Hendershot, the developer of  the first 
digital TBC at CVS in the 70's.  They make some nice boxes, but  again, the 
intended applications may not match what you need.  The last  time I had 
contact with them was probably 15 years ago.  At that time  they had excellent 
customer service so you might give them a call if you have  questions, but I 
understand that the company has changed since Bill's  retirement, so I don't 
know how helpful they might be.
One thing about the early Prime Image boxes always seemed  unusual to 
me......they used steel for the frame and covers, making them very  heavy for 
their size.

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