[QuadList] Reel to Reel VTR and TBC

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Sun Jul 12 22:44:29 CDT 2009

Interesting on the monitor technique. good suggestion.
yes  we have CV units but most of the Radical Video we have is  on  EIAJ
In a message dated 7/12/2009 8:38:16 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
Chill315 at aol.com writes:

I have done more thinking on this issue.
Everyone is assuming that this is EIAJ format.  Is it?  Or is  it CV or 
some other?  CV was a skip field if I remember.
The only thing that you can do to see what the video is on the tape is to  
get a waveform monitor or scope out and look at the vertical interval.   If 
it does not have Equalizing pulses, then we are in uncharted waters.   See 
if the Horizontal is then locked to Vertical.  Not having the lines  run 
through the picture.  You may have a chance then.
There is the old favorite TBC that is all forgiving and allows for unique  
control.  It is the most beautiful system ever devised.  Requires  the use 
of two pieces of equipment and some care.
Take an under scanned black and white monitor and shoot it with a  camera.  
Then you have all sorts of control via knobs on the monitor and  the 
camera.  The monitor acts as a beautiful sponge.  If you have a  fast time 
constant in the monitor, then you do not see any flagging.  Use  a dark room to get 
rid of reflections.
I have done that in the past and it works.  
Chris  Hill

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