[QuadList] Cronkite's first half-hour newscast... count the tape roll ins

C. Park Seward park at videopark.com
Sat Jul 18 14:22:13 CDT 2009


We see quad breakup AND helical. Live, the switch didn't appear that  
bad since monitors would lock quickly to the new sync. You can see a  
little squiggle right after the switch and then the quad would lock.  
The helical dub recording continues to roll.

Interesting that the commercials were V-locked!

At that time, the only was to lock a remote was to adjust the crystal  
sync standard to match the network. But hey, what's a little roll...


C. Park Seward
Visit us: http://www.videopark.com

On Jul 18, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Ted Langdell wrote:

> Quite a few tape roll ins or remote switches that were not liked by  
> the Quad machine recording the first half-hour network newscast.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcdpYMfY5iE
> The Kennedy interview is a live to tape series of segments scattered  
> through the broadcast, and the Dan Rather piece is either a tape  
> roll-in or a live switch to a feed of a film-based report from a  
> remote location that wasn't synced to the network.
> Ted Langdell
> Secretary
> Skype: 	TedLangdell
> e-mail:	ted at quadvideotapegroup.com
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