[QuadList] Was Videotape of CBS Kennedy assassination, Now SCETV 1-inch Consoles

dcfwtx at aol.com dcfwtx at aol.com
Tue Jul 21 14:30:33 CDT 2009

"they had a bunch of upright consoles which housed 1-inch VTR'sthey 
had a bunch of upright consoles which housed 1-inch VTR's"

Picture attached. Perhaps it was these.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Degan <DennyD1 at verizon.net>
To: Quad List <quadlist at quadvideotapegroup.com>
Sent: Tue, Jul 21, 2009 11:09 am
Subject: Re: [QuadList] Was Videotape of CBS Kennedy assassination, Now SCETV 1-inch Consoles

?      On Jul 20, 2009, at 9:15 PM, Sammy Jones wrote:?

 > On a side note, I recently got to witness a quad machine in action 
for the first time!  It was a later model Ampex (sorry don't know 
enough about them to know which one; a model number wasn't evident on 
the machine) at South Carolina Educational TV.  What a thrill to see a 
tape threaded and played back on that beast!?

?      I offer:?

?  In the mid 70's, I worked at WIS-TV in Columbia, SC not far from 
SCETV's network operations center (the old one).  At that time, SCETV 
had a couple of AVR-1's.  Sammy, what year did you see those quads in 

?  The last time I was there in 1979, in addition to the AVR-1's, they 
had a bunch of upright consoles which housed 1-inch VTR's.  I've never 
seen that type of machine since.  The memory is dim; I don't know who 
made those 1-inch VTR's.  I'm sure that they were not RCA, but they 
could have been made by either Ampex or Sony.  I'm also pretty sure 
that they weren't VPR-3's (this was in 1979 so it was too early for 
VPR-3's).  The consoles were wide, sort of like those quad machines we 
saw a while ago here, mounted in an airplane for the Army.  They might 
have been specially built consoles just for SCETV, not sure.?

?          Dennis Degan, Video Editor-Consultant-Knowledge Bank?

?                      NBC Today Show, New York?


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