[QuadList] AVR-2 (and 3) Literature

Don Norwood dwnorwood at embarqmail.com
Sat Jul 25 10:14:07 CDT 2009

When the list conversation brings up machines that I have literature on, I'm going to try and add it to my website.  This morning I added a late version of the brochure for the AVR-2.  There's at least one earlier version as well which I will get up soon.  I was not able to locate an AVR-3 brochure.  If anyone has one that they'd be willing to scan for posting, please let me know and we can arrange the details.

Meanwhile, to see the AVR-2 brochure and other documents loaded so far, use the following link and select AMPEX on the right.



Don Norwood
Digitrak Communications, Inc.
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