[QuadList] Computer Generated AVR-1 model corrections

Don Norwood dwnorwood at embarqmail.com
Thu Jul 30 10:59:03 CDT 2009

Hi Dave:

Though I suspect few were sold that way, at least by '71 (per the price book) a Tek color monitor was an option for the machine and the demod outputs of that monitor also provided a vector display for the X-Y scope.  So if he wanted to keep the color display, the "frame" could be changed from the Conrac to a Tek monitor.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dave Sieg 

  I've got a good accurate color bar waveform image to send Don, but I'd like input from the group as to what the other scope should display.  I recall seeing the RF level waveform most frequently left selected in most facilities.  Does anybody have a good waveform image of that they'd like to send me?
  The monitor, of course was monochrome.  Some facilities kept the display with H and V delay so they saw the H and V syncs displayed, most usually just had it on line out.  Again, suggestions (or images) welcome.  

  Don said the exercise was to model a complex object with the minimum number of polygons, which is why circles are hexagons (capstan, knobs, etc)  That could be increased for accuracy, but making them have enough points to look perfectly round would probably increase the number of polygons needed to render the whole machine by an order of magnitude.

  I think it would be interesting if we helped Don get this model to be accurate - you never know there may end up being an AVR-1 in the next big videogame or feature film!

  Any images you might have or could easily make of what you'd like to see displayed, as well as appearance details that were incorrect on his model would be greatly appreciated.

  Obviously, Don has other things to do, but the scope and monitor maps would be easily fixed.
  The rest as his time permits.

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