[QuadList] Quaddy award--THE TROPHY

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Sat Mar 7 23:00:54 CST 2009

ok this company is neat too... 
_http://www.entenmann-rovin.com/specialty_awards.php_ (http://www.entenmann-rovin.com/specialty_awards.php)  
they do the golden globes... ( naw  don't have one ...)
look this clockglobe trophy looks like something from a stash on  6345897   
in stargate...

In a message dated 3/7/2009 9:49:35 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
COURYHOUSE at aol.com writes:

oh yea in case you thought I was kidding....

ok here is the url for fox...
_http://www.brucefox.com/index.cfm_ (http://www.brucefox.com/index.cfm) 
bruce fox...  
here is the rs owens....
_http://www.rsowens.com/_ (http://www.rsowens.com/) 
In a message dated 3/7/2009 9:42:17 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
COURYHOUSE at aol.com writes:

being the recipient of many awards I have had a chance to  play  with and  
handle them  and have decided that rs owens    does  great stuff....    they did 
my Emmy (R) Award  and Telly's ...  they also  do the Oscar Cleo etc...  (  
do not have any of those yet....
FOX  does some unique awards.
I will look at some of the statues here and  get some names for  you...   
there are  some cheap ass folks in the business  that  do cheesy work....
the big thing you have to deal with is if you want something unique you  will 
pay though the ass for  design  and mold costs... and  if  you go with a 
ready made design  it my be the same pattern as  something really stupid gets an 
award for!
there is also a big variance in metal finishes and  plating layers  even with 
the good guys like rs ownens
what  would be  great  was if   someone in  the  group  was a metalworker/ 
ed sharpe archivist for smeccc

"Quaddy" works for me.

Anyone else got ideas?

Dennis:  Can you investigate sources of such statuary and  cost?
Or maybe someone else has done this before and can indicate what  their 
experiences were.

I'll ask Tony whether some beyond-refurbishing headwheels might be  available 
for the statue.

The thought that the four pole-pieces infer the four points of the  compass 
is an interesting connection with the ideas that Quad videotape  spread across 
the globe, and on a number of levels has created connections  among people 
where none might have existed before.

Do we need some discussion about what defines "excellence in  preserving the 
vanishing art of 2-inch quadruplex videotape recording and  reproduction?"

Can be very simple.  As simple as nominations via the list or  some other 
process you all might suggest. 

As I've gotten older, I've gotten to be more a fan of simple and not  
necessarily re-inventing the wheel.

How big a deal should this be?
It could be as simple as "Here's the Quaddy" at a lunch or dinner....  or 
could be a production, with on-screen retrospective and remarks by  peers.

Is this to be a big surprise... or something the recipient is aware  of in 
advance (unless the award is posthumous.) 

When and where should the award be given?

NAB is next month, and perhaps too soon to be able to prepare both  the 
statue and the honoree (whomever that may be)

AMIA is in St. Louis, MO,  Wed., Nov. 4 through Sat., Nov. 7.  There's 
usually a lot of regular AMIA stuff going on during the  evenings.

The award could be presented during one of those events... perhaps  Archival 
Screening night?

Or it could be on the Tuesday evening of AMIA Week when I'd planned  to 
arrange a dinner gathering for the group, much like we did in Savannah,  this past 

Klara is in St. Louis... and might have some suggestions  about where to do 

AMIA registration is actually open on Tuesday as there are two-day  workshops 
that start on Tuesday... so people who aren't part of the group  and might be 
interested in attending could join us for the event.

If not NAB or AMIA... are there other gatherings that relate  to "excellence 
in preserving the vanishing art of 2-inch quadruplex  videotape recording and 

Other places with a connection to Quad?  

That could be a barbecue in David Crosthwait's parking  lot.... or something 
really grand on the East Coast. 

Or: _____________________________.

Any ideas about potential underwriters of the cost of the statue and  flying 
the recipient in?

If this is something that might be better discussed on a separate  mailing 
list... I'm happy to set up the "QuaddyList" and post a link to  the sign-up 

Or volunteers can say "I'll help" and we can communicate by  e-mail.


Ted Langdell

On Mar 7, 2009, at 11:41 AM, Dennis Degan wrote:

> From a Starbucks in Denver, headed for Colorado Springs, where  Quad Heads 
get new life!
> (Sounds like the name of an award... The Quad Head Award  for......  I 
don't know... suggestions?  What it looks  like?  A retired headwheel, perhaps?)

I offer:

"The  Quaddie Award" for excellence in preserving the vanishing art of 2-inch 
 quadruplex videotape recording and reproduction.  The award should  be a 
golden statue of a female figure (think 'goddess') holding a  headwheel above her 
head, as if she is honoring that which it represents  (four spinning heads).  
She is standing on a reel of quad  tape.  Hopefully, it won't resemble an 
Emmy too much.     ;)

Dennis Degan,  Editor-Consultant-Knowledge Bank
   NBC Today Show, New  York

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