[QuadList] This has to be a record

Ted Langdell ted at quadvideotapegroup.com
Thu Mar 26 18:16:59 CDT 2009

And the winner wasn't one of the two original bidders.

Bid in the last seconds of the auction:

Bid Amount	Bid Time	

	g***v( 361) 	   US $5,655.00	
Mar-26-09 14:11:50 PDT

Is this someone on the Quad LIst?

On Mar 26, 2009, at 2:29 PM, DCFWTX at aol.com wrote:

> eBay TR 70's (listed at 70 C's) but I saw at least one 70A in the lot:
> US $5,655.00  for the winner!
> Especially in light of an "as is" item lot.
> David Crosthwait
> DC Video

Ted Langdell
Skype: 	TedLangdell
e-mail:	ted at quadvideotapegroup.com

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