[QuadList] ran across a neat andy warhol video tape article in a tape mag in the museum here... If anyone else has more on tis let me know off list.

couryhouse at aol.com couryhouse at aol.com
Tue Nov 10 23:17:43 CST 2009

ran across a neat  andy warhol video tape article in  a tape mag in the museum here... If anyone else has more on tis let me know off list. 
 there is a google books of 
I'll be your mirror: the selected Andy Warhol interviews : 1962-1987
 By Kenneth Goldsmith, Reva Wolf, Wayne Koestenbauman interview compilation of warhol stuff that contains this.
here is the google books  scanned version to read ....
Pop Goes the Videotape: An Interview with Andy Warhol
I'll be your mirror: the selected Andy Warhol interviews : 1962-1987
 By Kenneth Goldsmith, Reva Wolf, Wayne Koestenbaum
have fun!  Ed#
abc google swine flu tracker also useful
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