[QuadList] Hello from near Darmstadt and Frankfurt--Chasing Bosch Quads--...

DCFWTX at aol.com DCFWTX at aol.com
Mon Oct 5 18:33:07 CDT 2009

In a message dated 10/5/2009 4:25:48 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
ted at tedlangdell.com writes:

> Television being a global medium... there's a camera you may have seen 
> pictures from in the US.
> Here's Liam with a backpack device he says as used to haul the 1957 
> Fernseh KOD model camera he's next to
>  up to a suitable location for covering US President John Kennedy's visit 
> to Rudolph Wilde Platz in West Berlin, 
>  June 26, 1963, where he gave his famous "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech 
> during the Cold War.


I think Chuck Pharis may be packing his bags for Germany as we speak (since 
he saw these jewels)!

Tell Liam I worked on a remote truck (car racing in Arizona) with 4 tube 
Fernsehs. Have pictures too. Also worked in that Bosch 1" HDTV truck back in 
the 90's in Burbank (they were shooting some sort of HD demo). 

Have fun!

David Crosthwait

DC Video 
Archived Media Transfer & Re-mastering Services
177 West Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA. 91502
818-563-1177 (fax)
818-285-9942 (cell)
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