[QuadList] YouTube upload approved by Ampex

C. Park Seward park at videopark.com
Tue Apr 20 12:13:12 CDT 2010

Hi Bill,

Thanks for your offer. So far, Ampex has been great about permissions.


C. Park Seward
2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers
Visit us: http://www.videopark.com

On Apr 17, 2010, at 8:52 PM, Bill Carpenter wrote:

> Hi Park,
> The "Video Cruiser" which was built on a Bluebird bus chassis, was still around RWC when I got there in 1971, and I think it was sold in the next year.
> OBTW, if you ever need help getting any clearances from Ampex, I will go directly to the head of the Legal Dept, who is also on the BOD. He is a good friend and I would eat lunch with him most of the time.
>  I also have worked on a few litigations, with him, the last major one just after I retired in 1997, and then the work related to the digital picture "Thumbnail" patent which I worked on about 4 years ago. This was part of the ESS-3 in 1982, and is still used today in most cameras.
> Bill Carpenter
> From: C. Park Seward <park at videopark.com>
> To: Quad List <quadlist at quadvideotapegroup.com>
> Sent: Sat, April 17, 2010 7:37:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [QuadList] YouTube upload approved by Ampex
> Hi Ed,
> Please send me your address.
> Best,
> Park
> C. Park Seward
> Cell: 818-535-2747
> Home: 949-679-1870
> 2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers
> Visit us: http://www.videopark.com
> On Apr 15, 2010, at 11:44 AM, C. Park Seward wrote:
>> Hi Ed,
>> I'd be happy to make a DVD for you. The one I got from Dusan is PAL and the quality is not too good, as you can see on YouTube. I will wait and see if a better copy surfaces before I make your copy.
>> Best,
>> Park
>> C. Park Seward
>> Cell: 818-535-2747
>> Home: 949-679-1870
>> 2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers
>> Visit us: http://www.videopark.com
>> On Apr 15, 2010, at 11:36 AM, COURYHOUSE at aol.com wrote:
>>> Great news!
>>> Please burn us off a dvd at higher res  and we will stash it here at the museum as well.
>>> ED#
>>> In a message dated 4/15/2010 11:32:37 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, park at videopark.com writes:
>>> > Thanks for contacting us.  It is always interesting to hear about our "vintage products".  You have our permission to post on YouTube and if it isn't too much trouble we would also like a copy. A good keepsake for our archives.
>>> > 
>>> > Thanks and Regards
>>> > Linda L. Nuti
>>> > Contracts Manager
>>> Thanks Linda. I'm sure some will sleep well tonight.
>>> And If anyone else has vintage and classic training tapes from Ampex, I'll be happy to ask for permission for your posting.
>>> Best,
>>> Park
>>> C. Park Seward
>>> 2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers
>>> Visit us: http://www.videopark.com
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