[QuadList] Early Quad Color--"Saving Cyd Charisse" gets asecondlook at AMIA's The Reel Thing, this Saturday.

Dennis Degan DennyD1 at verizon.net
Thu Aug 12 07:34:56 CDT 2010

		On Aug 11, 2010, at 10:12 PM, Dale Lamm wrote:

 > Somewhere I read that the Orthicon's halo was due to a surplus of  
electrons coming off the target due to a bright part of the scene and  
being drawn to
surrounding areas.

		I agree:

	Yes, the electrons would 'bounce' off the target and land elsewhere,  
causing the halo's glow around those bright areas.

			Dennis Degan, Video Editor-Consultant-Knowledge Bank
	  					NBC Today Show, New York

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