[QuadList] can anyone add info on telemation productions

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Wed Dec 8 23:48:10 CST 2010

Phoenix office.....    any more info  folks?  who  did they buy?
Telemation Productions was started as a marketing tool by Telemation Inc. 
in  the early 1970s. It started as a single office located in Glenview 
Illinois, a  suburb of Chicago. In 1978 a second office was opened in Denver 
Colorado. Also  in 1978, the television equipment manufacturing operation was 
sold to Bell &  Howell. At that time, Telemation Inc. owned only the two 
production facilities  and the manufacturing building in Salt Lake City which was 
leased to Bell &  Howell. In 1979 Telemation acquired a production facility 
in Seattle and  re-named it Telemation Productions. In the early 1980s 
telemation acquired a  facility in Phoenix, AZ also re-naming it Telemation 
Productions. Also in the  early 1980s Telemation Productions added a Distribution 
Division located in  Chicago which provided duplication and shipping 
services to advertising agencies  and a mobile division equipped with a television 
remote truck. Telemation  Productions ownership changed in 1987 and again 
in 1990 with the Home Shopping  Network buying the company. The Phoenix 
office and distribution division were  sold in 1989 prior to the acquision by the 
Home Shopping Network. The remote  truck was sold in 1990. The Seattle 
office was closed in 1991, the Chicago  office was closed in 1993, and the 
Denver office the following year.

Ed Sharpe, Archivist for SMECC  

See the Museum's Web Site at _www.smecc.org_ (http://www.smecc.org/)  
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