[QuadList] Ampex Alex CG (Was Picture of the day (link to)---and who's in it?)

Ted Langdell ted at quadvideotapegroup.com
Thu Dec 9 01:40:59 CST 2010

Hi, Scott...

Mine was in operation on nightly newscasts and other production.  It  
was replaced by a Chyron if I recall correctly, which may have been a  
hand-me-down from the owner's Oakland station. Not sure when.

I'm fortunate to have manuals, fonts and operting software for both  
the mainframe and the workstation.  The mouse appears to be a PS-2  

Haven't had time to connect and apply power since obtaining it, but  
will post a few pix or clips when that happens.

I'm planning to be back in Florida in Feb. or March... but don't  
anticipate hauling the Alex along. You're welcome to play if in  
California, though.

On Dec 8, 2010, at 11:44 PM, Scott Thomas wrote:

> I would love to see an Alex in action.
> I was recently talking to the former production manager of the  
> former ABC affiliate in Southwest Florida, WEVU. They had an Alex  
> for a short time. It apparently wasn't reliable enough to use in  
> their newscasts and they swapped it out for a Dubner 30K.
> I was under the impression that the few that were produced were all  
> sent back to Ampex, but I saw one at a production company in West  
> Palm Beach named "Parallax" in the mid-1990's.
> I also remember seeing the development systems at some small trade  
> shows in Florida. The first time I saw it it had an Atari ST mouse  
> attached to it, and the GUI screen was the DIgital Research GEM  
> windowing enviroment. The next year it had a Macintosh mouse  
> attached and the screen looked very Mac like. Always wanted to hear  
> the stories behind that.

Ted Langdell

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