[QuadList] TCR-100 (was 1" Machine glue)

Dennis Degan DennyD1 at verizon.net
Wed Feb 3 10:23:41 CST 2010

		On Feb 3, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Don Norwood wrote:

 > Were the guide blocks you mentioned attached to the head or to the 
TCR frame?  The Youtube video isn't quite good enough to see the 
detail.  I guess I need to go to Boston and see Paul's machine in 

		I answer:

	There was a nylon block attached to the top of the female guide.  It's 
hard to see in the video, but it's sorta visible at 3:10.  A closeup of 
the video head is shown as the tape is removed.  The audio head stack 
is tapered at the top to allow the tape to slide into position.  As I 
recall, this is actually the same audio head stack as was used on the 
TR-70.  The rest of the details I don't remember.

			Dennis Degan, Video Editor-Consultant-Knowledge Bank
	  					NBC Today Show, New York

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