[QuadList] was Helical, Quads, now Marconi cameras

C. Park Seward park at videopark.com
Wed Feb 10 08:13:35 CST 2010

The movie "Network" was on last night and it sure looked like Marconi's were in the TV studio.


C. Park Seward
Visit us: http://www.videopark.com

On Feb 10, 2010, at 3:47 AM, Guy Spiller wrote:

>  As David mentioned, several of the large market PBS stations were big users of MkVIIs.  Along with KQED, WGBH in Boston and I seem to remember that WNET in New York had them for a while.  The original Sesame Street programs were done with MkVIIs at Reeves Teletape, as well as the David Frost show.  I ended up with a couple of cameras from there as well.

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