[QuadList] Capstan Size Modification

Don Norwood dwnorwood at embarqmail.com
Tue Jan 26 17:30:46 CST 2010

>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: Chill315 at aol.com
>Subject: Re: [QuadList] Capstan Size Modification
>Note my VR-1200 books are from 1973.  Near the end of the run.  The Inter 
>sync book talks about having to replace capstans on >earlier machines.  I 
>do not know the why this was required.


The version changes in the capstan assembly relate to the motor drive 
system.  All VR-2000 & 1200 machines used the same motor, but VR-1000's and 
early VR-1100's without Intersync had sine wave MDA's.  With the 
introduction of the 1021 Intersync in the VR-2000, it was necessary to have 
motors that worked with the square wave output provided by the 1021. 
VR-1100's shipped after Jan '65 also had the newer motor which operates on 
either sine or square wave drive, so they worked with either system. 
However, when used with the original MDA's, there were power factor 
correction capacitors required, so there were 3 versions of the 
assembly.....the original sinewave motor, the newer square wave motor with 
caps, and the newer square wave motor without caps as used in the 2000/1200 
(or 1100 with Intersync).

This applies up thru '71.  If there were other changes after that, I don't 
know about them.


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