[QuadList] Sony's BVH-1100 mods (was AVR-1 Info-LEDs replace vacuum column lights)

georgenann at aol.com georgenann at aol.com
Sun Jan 10 12:11:41 CST 2010

Hi Ted,

Thanks for the info, those fotos are great.  I have seen fotos of the "Works in a Box" model from Sony, but I think CBS was too cheap to spend the extra bucks.  I don't know which came first, the CBS "Works in a Drawer" or the Sony remote boxes option, but all the work on the "Works in a Drawer" mod was done at CBS, and now that you mention it it seems likely that it was a Sony thing or at least done in conjunction with Sony. I will admit it did make life a little easier although I hated every time I had to slide the drawer out and back in, I never liked bending all those wires and cables.  Also sliding any of the AVR-1's drawers in and out is something I always tried to avoid.  I never pulled any of the drawers out to clean them, but when I really had to, to troubleshoot something or swap a board, I then broke out the vacuum and cleaned them.


George Keller

-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Langdell <ted at quadvideotapegroup.com>
To: Quad List <quadlist at quadvideotapegroup.com>
Sent: Sat, Jan 9, 2010 1:11 pm
Subject: Re: [QuadList] Sony's BVH-1100 mods (was AVR-1 Info-LEDs replace vacuum column lights)

On Jan 9, 2010, at 7:28 AM, georgenann at aol.com wrote:

CBS has about 40 of them, most of the work was done in house in the const. shop.

-----Original Message-----
From: chill315 at aol.com
To: quadlist at quadvideotapegroup.com
Sent: Sat, Jan 9, 2010 7:15 am
Subject: Re: [QuadList] AVR-1 Info-LEDs replace vacuum column lights

I think that Sony did offer a 1100A with the electronics available to be mounted in a different place.  I think that you have one of those machines. The machines were not that easy to troubleshoot with the constant going from behind to front if they were in a set of racks.  They got smarter with their later series of machines.
Chris Hill

Perhaps the CBS mods were the motivation for Sony to create the version Chris mentions?

There is also that South Carolina ETV  BVH-1100 I hadn't seen before that is still on ebay:

Two-rack wide console:

Remounted control panel and "Works in a Box":

Front panel access to the card cage:

Lots of extended wiring with Molex and other connectors:

And the backside of the card cages.  Watch out for small, falling metal objects like screws or springs!

Ted Langdell


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