[QuadList] CBS ACR-25's

bill.spencer at northstarstudios.tv bill.spencer at northstarstudios.tv
Mon Jan 11 08:15:37 CST 2010

You got Basil's name right.  I'm going to invite him into the group as I
do a lot of satellite business with him now and used to have several
TCR's with his mods back in the 70's and 80's.


Bill Spencer

RF Engineering Supervisor

NorthStar Studios, Inc.

3201 Dickerson Pike

Nashville, TN 37207


Phone 615.650.6000 ext. 6610

Cell 615.445.5616

Fax 615.650.6027

email bill.spencer at northstarstudios.tv


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From: quadlist-bounces at quadvideotapegroup.com
[mailto:quadlist-bounces at quadvideotapegroup.com] On Behalf Of Trevor
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 3:31 PM
To: 'Quad List'
Subject: Re: [QuadList] CBS ACR-25's


Lucky you  my company had TC100's one with 600 signal processing, and
Pinzone mods(not sure how you spell the guys name)

I spent a lot of time head clutching and when the +5 went hi and it lost
several hundred DTL chips which were then too old to source in the UK

RCA had to fly them in...............................................

Trevor Brown 

UK member


From: quadlist-bounces at quadvideotapegroup.com
[mailto:quadlist-bounces at quadvideotapegroup.com] On Behalf Of
chill315 at aol.com
Sent: 10 January 2010 20:42
To: quadlist at quadvideotapegroup.com
Subject: Re: [QuadList] CBS ACR-25's


Did not Merlin also offer stereo retrofit kits for the ACR's?  I have a
bunch of old Merlin literature and I will have to dig it out to see if
that was done.  


ACR-25 was a beautiful machine.  I think about it and realize the amount
of sophistication that went into the design and control system.  This
was before any computers were available for control that could really do
wonders now.


Ampex did a beautiful job on the design.


Chris Hill


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