[QuadList] Photos from WBBH-TV

dcfwtx at aol.com dcfwtx at aol.com
Thu Jan 14 07:57:33 CST 2010

 Hello Scott,

Great pictures! I saw that the TCR 100 had some of the covers taken off (probably due to constant maintenance issues). Having only one TCR (it appears per the photos) must have been a real nightmare at times. Any great jam-up stories (from either you or Bob Jones)? Where I used to work years ago had six of them and a full maintenance staff to keep them on the air. The last TCR I saw on-air was in Wisconsin and jammed up while on-air. This was in 1996. I believe I was shooting some Hi8 video at that time too.

WBBH is listed in one of my vintage RCA magazines featuring the TCR 100. I'll try and scan in a few weeks and post here.

David Crosthwait
DC Video





-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Thomas <scottgfx at mac.com>
To: Quad List <quadlist at quadvideotapegroup.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 14, 2010 12:54 am
Subject: [QuadList] Photos from WBBH-TV

I have a couple of photo albums that are slides from WBBH-TV in Fort Myers, FL.
In the late 1990's, my boss Bob Jones gave me a couple of boxes of slides that 
he took when he worked at the station in the late `70's and early `80's.

There are pics of the facility, equipment and some parties. I started working at 
the station in September 1988, and some of that equipment was still there. I 
only had hands-on with the TCR-100 and the GVG-1600. The station, up until late 
1988, did not have an electronic still store. For many years they used the TCR 
during the newscast as an graphic playback system. We recorded the 
over-the-shoulder graphics, pre quarter-screen compressed onto carts. The 
director then played them back live through a Harris 630 Frame Sync. The TR-60 
was gone and the two TR-70's (A models I believe) were still there, but I had no 
reason to touch them. The film chain was banished to a room that later became 
the mailroom. The Norelco PC-70 cameras were donated to my high school years 
before where I put together camera 2 and had it operational for a short while. 
They were replaced by Philips LDK-6 models that I used. In early 1989 we took 
delivery of a GVG-300 with integrated Kaleidoscope. I still 
 miss the K-Scope, it was an amazing machine.

Here are the links:



The building had been completely renovated and added onto when I got there. The 
studio is still the same today when it was built in 1968, a small shoebox sized 

Hope you all enjoy, and let me know if you see someone you know.

Scott Thomas
Art Director
Fort Myers, FL
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