[QuadList] was Toluene now xylene
Guy Spiller
quadruplex at verizon.net
Fri Jan 22 16:52:12 CST 2010
I have had great luck with tape machines and xylene. I bought a gallon
at Lowe's, Xylol, a couple of years ago, and still have plenty left.
Like Park said, it does a great job on cleaning heads as well as getting
the "SSS" stuff off of everything else. I haven't found much that it
attacks, other than the vinyl floor covering in my tape room!
Not as much fun to "play" with as Freon TF from the old days, but it
does a great job. Only thing is to allow for the slower evaporation
time before threading.
C. Park Seward wrote:
> (snip)
> Xylene is the best product for the purpose. It doesn't damage epoxy encapsulations or iron head laminations, and it DOES cut the tape binder goop very well - even when it's gone sticky.
> (snip)
> Xylene is a component of lacquer thinner and it keeps the body shop workers HAPPY.
> Best,
> Park
> C. Park Seward
> Visit us: http://www.videopark.com
> On Jan 14, 2010, at 4:03 PM, Tim Vitale wrote:
>> How did you identify the binder as latex rubber?
>> Later videotape (1/2" R-2-R and later, for sure) used polyurethane as
>> the medium for the magnetic pigment (that what it's called) on an
>> cellulose acetate or polyester base. Polyurethane degrades by
>> breaking off small chains (under acid hydrolysis) of the long urethane
>> polymers, which clump together as "gunk" that was known as the Sticky
>> Shed Syndrome. There will be magnetic pigment particles in the
>> "stuff" stuck to the head, cap stands, guides and wheels. The "stuff"
>> should be nicely soluble in toluene. However, toluene is quite toxic,
>> especially if you get it on your skin. Toluene is a benzene ring
>> (cancer causing) with a methyl group (CH3) on one of the six carbons
>> in the aromatic ring.
>> As a conservator with some age on me, I have been guilty of doing what
>> you have done, and of holding your views. We had a number deaths in
>> the field years ago that were attributed to solvent use, however, not
>> just toluene use. We, and I, are much more cautious now. Toluene
>> does work its way out of the systems in time
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toluene, but it is one of the slower
>> ones, if memory serves.
>> I'd use a solvent that does the job (maybe not as quickly or with more
>> elbow grease), but is less toxic, or one that is more easily removed
>> by the body's defenses. I'd try acetone first, then methyl ethyl
>> ketone (MEK). They are both in the ketone group, which our body makes
>> when burning fat under a low carbohydrate diet; you know, ketosis. You
>> can find all the above solvents (and many more) at Home Depot; even
>> toluene. They generally run about $4-7 per quart.
>> There is a complex Teas solubility process that is used to estimate
>> solubility. I can walk you through it, if you like. I'll have to fax
>> you some charts and diagrams.
>> BTW, toluene will go after quite a few plastics. I would not consider
>> it safe for plastic-laden equipment. Alcohols (specifically,
>> propanol) are generally the only solvents that get a pass for use on
>> equipment.
>> Best of luck...
>> Tim Vitale
>> Paper, Photographs &
>> Electronic Media Conservator
>> Digital Imaging & Facsimiles
>> Film [Still] Migration to Digital Format
>> Digital Imaging & Facsimiles
>> Preservation Associates
>> 1500 Park Avenue
>> Suite 123
>> Emeryville, CA 94608
>> 510-594-8277
>> 510-594-8799 fax
>> tjvitale at ix.netcom.com
>> Vitale bio
>> http://videopreservation.conservation-us.org/tjv/vitale_1pg_bio.pdf
>> Resume: see link in lower right corner of the URL above.
>> Albumen Photography Website in 2000
>> <http://albumen.conservation-us.org>
>> VideoPreservation Website in 2007
>> <http://videopreservation.conservation-us.org>
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Guy Spiller
email: quadruplex at verizon.net
phone: (804) 379-2050
website: www.GuySpiller.com
Midlothian, VA
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