[QuadList] Electronic Editing Notes

Chill315 at aol.com Chill315 at aol.com
Fri Jan 29 08:46:10 CST 2010

That is why there has been such a shake up in the industry.  For the  price 
of a luxury car, one can set up shop in an office with nice furnishings  
and a good editing system that does more that we ever imagined.  And Still  
have funds left over to keep it going for a few months.  Now there are way  
too many of these shops and undercutting the really decent shops.  Here in  
Detroit, a number of the old school facilities have gone the way of the  
dinosaurs.  It is a shame but Darwin has taken charge.
The other sad part is that there are so many mediocre places that call  
themselves editors but barely can put a story together.  They charge so  little 
that it undermines the good places.

Chris Hill
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