[QuadList] TV Technology Article/Videos by Rich Diehl

Scott Thomas scottgfx at mac.com
Sat Aug 13 02:27:38 CDT 2011

I was just watching Richard's videos (again) and thought I would share this.

This is from WBBH-TV in 1977.


I assume this is a TR-60 as it's sitting next to the TCR-100. The gentleman in the photo is Wilbur Wein. I just learned that he passed away in 2003.

This station, when I first visited it in 1984, still had the TCR but instead of the TR-60, there were two TR-70's. B models I believe.

Please have a look at the rest of the pics. You can see some Norelco PC-70's, the TCR and even a old DPS framesync.

In the later pics, the master control switcher is the GVG-1600 that was there when I was there in the late 80's early 90's, but what is the MC switcher in the earlier photos? An RCA I assume. Anyone have a model number?

Saturday August 6th I attended a reunion of WBBH-TV (Waterman Broadcasting) employees and decided to bring my TCR cart. It by itself became the life of the party.
Everyone who knew what it was was amazed to see one again. One guy thought he should have the cart as it had his ex-wife's handwriting on it. (Awkward)

Anyway, I have those photos here:


On Aug 13, 2011, at 2:34 AM, Ted Langdell wrote:

> Don,
> Thanks for posting this. This should be a good series!  Looking forward to more.
> All the museums mentioned have websites:
> Museum of Radio and Television:		http://www.ohio.edu/people/postr/MRT/
> Early Television Foundation:			http://www.earlytelevision.org/
> Museum of Broadcast Technology		http://www.wmbt.org/
> You can watch an HD video of some of the inside of the Museum of Broadcast Technology here:
> http://www.youtube.com/user/videolabguy#p/u/11/q6FPOjCCCs0
> You'll see quite a range of cameras and call letters.
> The video was shot on an trip to the Early Television Foundation and the annual Early TV gathering by Virtual Museum proprietor Richard Diehl, aka "Labguy" who has a large collection of non-broadcast VTRs...
> http://www.labguysworld.com
> Rich has owned 1" Type C (watch the VPR-5 video) an AVR-2 and retrieved an IVC 9000 from a closed post house.  Look for the story under "IVC"
> MBT's Paul Beck gave Rich and fellow collector Bruno Merlier a tour of his church's video facility.  Paul switches and camera-operates a six-camera setup all by himself.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA4HToAb3Jk

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