[QuadList] OT - amazing machine

Ted Langdell ted at quadvideotapegroup.com
Sun Aug 21 20:57:54 CDT 2011

WOW!  That is one fine, museum quality piece of gear!

The photography does it justice.

I can't help but wonder whether any Ampex 350 etc. transport parts  
might fit the deckplate :)  Looks very familiar!


On Aug 21, 2011, at 6:14 PM, Don Norwood wrote:

> eBay item 180713364034
> No, it's not a quad machine, but from that era, almost as big, and  
> something I thought a lot of you would enjoy seeing!  It's a Sony  
> pro audio deck unlike anything I've ever seen.  Not sure if it's  
> worth the asking price, but it certainly must be a collector's item.
> Don Norwood
> Digitrak Communications, Inc.
> www.digitrakcom.com

Ted Langdell

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