[QuadList] at last! archival storage? 1000 years....

C. Park Seward park at videopark.com
Tue Aug 23 14:59:13 CDT 2011

Looks promising. The disks wil sell for $3 and the drives will be about the same as current burners, according to press accounts.

Now, what do you put on them? Uncompressed? Quicktime? The first disks will only hold 4.2 GB. the 25 and 50 are a ways off.



C. Park Seward
Cell: 818-535-2747
Home: 541-476-6657
2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers
The Transfer Lab at Video Park
Visit us: http://www.videopark.com

On Aug 23, 2011, at 12:21 PM, COURYHOUSE at aol.com wrote:

> Millenniata Announce New M-DISC Providing 1,000 Years of Permanent Data Storage | Gadgehit - Your Da
> www.gadgehit.com
> Millenniata Partners and Hitachi-LG Data Storage have announced a new type of disc that allows permanent data storage for up to 1,000 years. The technology uses laser-etching technology to engrave data into a disc so that it will not fade. The discs are comparable to standard DVDs, and offer 4.7GB
> Thanks,
> Ed Sharpe, Archivist for SMECC 
> See the Museum's Web Site at www.smecc.org
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