[QuadList] GRASS VALLEY GROUP 3240 proc amp manual needd and info on how ...

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Mon Dec 12 13:05:48 CST 2011

thanks Park this is  good  to know
"I have found procs helpful if you have a horrible case of poor sync coming 
 from a deck. It helps to run it through the proc to clan up the sync 
before the  TBC."
In a message dated 12/12/2011 12:04:15 P.M. US Mountain Standard Tim,  
park at videopark.com writes:

The proc  amp won't do any more than a TBC. The proc was primarily to 
adjust levels and  strip sync and burst. Your TBC already does that.  

I have found procs helpful if you have a horrible case of poor sync  coming 
from a deck. It helps to run it through the proc to clan up the sync  
before the TBC.



C. Park Seward
Cell: 818-535-2747
Home: 541-476-6657
2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers
The Transfer Lab at Video Park
Visit us: _http://www.videopark.com_ (http://www.videopark.com/) 

On Dec 12, 2011, at 9:47 AM, _COURYHOUSE at aol.com_ 
(mailto:COURYHOUSE at aol.com)  wrote:

I want my 1/2  video tape to look the  best...
noted someone had talked about proc amps here before..
In a message dated 12/12/2011 6:19:20 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
_Chill315 at aol.com_ (mailto:Chill315 at aol.com)  writes:

The quick answer is that you have three different versions that were  
designed for three different types of installations.
I will get my books out and look for the exact information but here  is the 
short answer.
The basic unit is used for any type of situation where a proc amp is  used.
The one with the external reference is for use in a production /  editing 
room on the output of a switcher to provide a constant sub-carrier  to 
horizontal sync phase relationship.
The one with the linearity corrector is designed for use at a  transmitter 
to correct any linearity errors in the transmitter.   

What is the application that you intend for the unit?
There were also several different types of frames.  So how about  a picture 
of the back and the modules when you get down to deciding what  you want to 
Chris Hill
In a message dated 12/11/2011 11:46:58 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
_COURYHOUSE at aol.com_ (mailto:COURYHOUSE at aol.com)  writes:

OK Chris here is what it  is...   I was able to get  to 3  of the rack 
al thee quick glance  have color lock and synch gen input  module and 
output module
ok one adds external references and something in the other power  supply 
the  third has  a linearity corrector and agc plus i  think most of the 
other  boards of the first one.
side issue - 
then i have  some graham black burst racks  that have lot  of little   
cards in them  I assume  lots of little  black burst generators.
In a message dated 12/11/2011 9:15:58 P.M. US Mountain Standard  Time, 
_COURYHOUSE at aol.com_ (mailto:COURYHOUSE at aol.com)  writes:

ok I will go inventory  the innards... I was amazed I could  not  find  
manuals online ....GV  has  some  good  other  things online  in the way of 
euip manuals  even all the stuff for our ldk  20
thanks Chris  back inna few... I have  one that  is  within reach and I 
suspect  several that are  still  stashed.
In a message dated 12/11/2011 7:13:32 P.M. US Mountain Standard  Time, 
_Chill315 at aol.com_ (mailto:Chill315 at aol.com)  writes:

There are many variations on the theme.  The 3240 is  modular system that 
had a number of options available.  Tell us  what boards are in what slots.  
I can fill you in on how to  make it work.  I  was a GVG sales support 
engineer for a  number of years and am familiar with the product.  I also used  
them in a number of post suites.  So which modules have you  got, etc.
Chris Hill
In a message dated 12/11/2011 4:09:39 P.M. Eastern Standard  Time, 
_COURYHOUSE at aol.com_ (mailto:COURYHOUSE at aol.com)   writes:

Please - GRASS VALLEY GROUP 3240 proc amp manual needed   and info on how 
to use for....?

Ed Sharpe, Archivist  for SMECC 

See the Museum's Web Site at _www.smecc.org_ (http://www.smecc.org/)  


Ed Sharpe, Archivist for SMECC  

See the Museum's Web Site at _www.smecc.org_ (http://www.smecc.org/) 

We are always looking for  items to add to the museum's display and ref. 
library - please advise if you  have anything we can use.

Coury House / SMECC
5802 W. Palmaire Ave.  Phone 623-435-1522
Glendale Az 85301 USA

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