[QuadList] XYLENE as head cleaner

Ted Langdell ted at quadvideotapegroup.com
Wed Dec 21 10:59:33 CST 2011

Having purchased a quart of XYLENE at an ACE hardware store and used it as a head and transport cleaner, USE IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA!  With no sources of ignition!

Ace lists a number of Xylene/Xylol based products, often as paint strippers:

http://ace.infotrac.net/search.aspx  Select "Product Name."  Enter XYLENE

[MSDS] [Regulations] [IMO]	1064971	CROWN XYLOL XYLENE 5 GL	
[MSDS] [Regulations] [IMO]	1218650	KLEAN STRIP XYLENE 5 GL	
[MSDS] [Regulations] [IMO]	13301	KLEAN STRIP XYLENE GL	
[MSDS] [Regulations] [IMO]	1438589	KLEAN STRIP XYLENE GL	
[MSDS] [Regulations] [IMO]	1206119	KLEAN STRIP XYLENE GL	
[MSDS] [Regulations] [IMO]	1438571	KLEAN STRIP XYLENE QT	
[MSDS] [Regulations] [IMO]	1005859	KLEAN STRIP XYLENE QT	
[MSDS] [Regulations] [IMO]	1206143	KLEAN STRIP XYLENE QT	
[MSDS] [Regulations] [IMO]	1207638	XYLOL XYLENE GL	

The MSDS for the one I believe I purchased is here:

Seems this product is 83.8% XYLENE and 16.2% Ethyl Benzine.  Not sure how the Benzine component plays into suitability for tape head and transport cleaning. 

Sure is stinky and has a low flashpoint: 81F. A 3 (High) fire hazard rating.


On Dec 21, 2011, at 8:13 AM, C. Park Seward wrote:

> Hi Bob,
> No Freon. From an Ampex manual:
> "The recommended solvent is Ampex Head Cleaner (Cat 087-007) which is composed of 98% Xylene, 2% Trichloretylene and a dash of "Kodaflow", which is a wetting agent intended to enhance the flow of the solvent in restricted areas."
> The TCH as to speed up evaporation.
> And from the Material Safety Data Sheet, a slight variation:
> It contains 86% of XYLENES (O-,M-,P- ISOMERS and 14% of METHYL CHLOROFORM (1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE)
> Best,
> Park
> C. Park Seward
> Cell: 818-535-2747
> Home: 541-476-6657
> 2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers
> The Transfer Lab at Video Park
> Visit us: http://www.videopark.com
> On Dec 20, 2011, at 10:00 PM, rabruner at aol.com wrote:
>> The old Ampex head cleaner was a mixture of Xylene and freon.  At an Ampex maintenance school for D2 machines, they told us they used Xylene because it was the only thing effective at dissolving the tape binder that deposited on the machines.  Many years ago, I worked at an automated FM station where we used xylene to make clear windows in audio tape to allow optical cuing of the spot reel.  My guess would be you would not want to use xylene directly on tape because it will attack and soften, if not remove completely, the binder.
>> Bob Bruner
>> W9TAJ
>> From: C. Park Seward <park at videopark.com>
>> To: Quad List <quadlist at quadvideotapegroup.com> 
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 8:59 AM
>> Subject: Re: [QuadList] Sugestions on how to clean sappers.
>> Thanks for all the good information.
>> I have to agree about Xylene. A little aggressive for my tastes for cleaning glue, unless I get to a really bad spot.  However, I do use it exclusively when cleaning transports. 
>> To clean off the glue, I use alcohol and a Q-tip. It takes some time but will get the glue off. I then clean the tape with multiple passes with Pellon cloth and clean the machine after each pass since the guides scrape off any remaining glue.
>> Goof Off and Goo Gone may work too. But I must try the Eucalyptus. Sounds like a great solution. I will have at least 20 more reels to clean.
>> Best,
>> Park
>> C. Park Seward
>> Cell: 818-535-2747
>> Home: 541-476-6657
>> 2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers
>> The Transfer Lab at Video Park
>> Visit us: http://www.videopark.com
>> On Dec 19, 2011, at 9:15 PM, Chill315 at aol.com wrote:
>>> I would not use xzylene.  I have used it to remove oxide from tape.  You might do more damage then good.Chris Hill
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