[QuadList] Vital... Gainesville

Scott Thomas scottgfx at mac.com
Sat Feb 26 19:45:47 CST 2011

At my high school, the instructor would drive around the state of Florida and pick up junk from stations and bring it back to us.
We received some interesting things that we never had the wherewithal to make use of.

I spent some time with some Vital proc-amps trying to see if they could do. Single rack unit high, light green with black knobs. From that interaction, I started learning the difference between digital TBCs, Frame Syncs and just a proc-amp. Imagine how disappointed I was that this box wouldn't stabilize an industrial U-Matic's output. :)

There was part of a production switcher that was the same color. Being that they were donated and not really working, I guessed they were from the late 1960's or early `70's. Sound about right?

There was part of another switcher. It may have been a Sarkes Tarzian. I remembered it looking a bit like the one Tim Stoffel has. It was a long time ago though.

Perhaps I need to start a separate forum for vintage production switchers?

Scott Thomas

On Feb 26, 2011, at 11:29 AM, W4wj at aol.com wrote:

> We had a 3M/E Vital Switcher and a Vital Router and Vital Video DA's at WTVJ...  circa 1973...  
> Straight out of Gainesville!!  ;-)
> I visited the factory...  Interesting place!!
> Don Murray W4WJ
> Retired from 40 years of Miami TV Engineering
> 35+ years at WTVJ NBC O&O
> In a message dated 2/25/2011 8:30:49 P.M. Central Standard Time, DennyD1 at verizon.net writes:
>         On Feb 25, 2011, at 9:06 AM, David Crosthwait wrote:
> > Vital filled a niche in switcher needs when GVG and others were too  
> costly. The Squeeze Zoom was revolutionary, being used in many a music  
> video in the early era of MTV style effects.
>         I offer:
>     A station I worked at, WIS-TV in Columbia, SC had a Vital switcher  
> (one of Vital's first) in 1975:
>         <http://www.flickr.com/photos/dennisdegan/557719816/>
>             Dennis Degan, Video Editor-Consultant-Knowledge Bank
>                         NBC Today Show, New York

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