[QuadList] NHK's research lab developed a Quad machine in 1958

Ted Langdell ted at quadvideotapegroup.com
Sun Feb 27 16:23:26 CST 2011

While poking around NHK's history site for a post on OldVTR's, I ran  
across this link, which shows a Japanese flatbed Quad developed in  
1958 by NHK's "STRL"—its research lab.


In the second picture, note what look like AVR-2s beyond the Sony BVH- 

The Sony's look like BVH-1000/1100 series machines. Can anyone opine  
as to how to tell the differences in a photo that small?
The first domestic VTR system in Japan was a 4-head VTR using 2-inch  
tape reels, test manufactured in 1958. Developments were later made on  
a frame converter and a slow-motion VTR system , with the aim of  
implementation for the Rome and Tokyo Olympics. In 1964, NHK obtained  
a basic patent for a 1.5-head helical-scan VTR system. This system was  
later implemented on a 1-inch helical-scan VTR.
2-inch VTR by STRL in 1958
A 4-head VTR using 2-inch magnetic tape - extremely expensive at the  
time of introduction.
Video tape: price and recording area per bit (square micrometer)
2-inch (Ampex)
90 min.
1,000,000 yen
1-inch (Sony Type C)
60 min.
120,000 yen
1/2-inch (Matsushita D-3)
60 min.
20,000 yen
1- inch VTR in 1978
The analog VTR helical-scan system using a 1-inch open reel tape was  
called the Type C format. This 1-inch tape was smaller and cheaper  
than 2-inch tape. It later became the basis for the 1-inch HDTV analog  
VTR and the 1-inch HDTV digital VTR.
D-3 VCR in 1991
A 1/2-inch small cassette digital VCR was introduced in 1991. It  
allowed repeated taping without deterioration of picture quality. This  
technology was succeeded by the HDTV digital VCR, the HD-D5.


Ted Langdell
Skype: 	TedLangdell
e-mail:	ted at quadvideotapegroup.com

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