[QuadList] Vital... Gainesville

Scott Thomas scottgfx at mac.com
Sun Feb 27 19:43:24 CST 2011

I visited the TV studio at the University of Florida in 1987 where they had two American Data switchers. They're in Gainesville and they didn't have Vital? Those were replaced the next year with GVG-200s. I never learned much about the American Data boards. I don't remember seeing any Quad there. There were a few Hitachi 1" machines. (Pre HR-230, don't know the model)

Looking on-line, I found a LinkedIn resume for someone who was head of QC at American Data. Yesterday, I found a LinkedIn resume for someone who handled the wave-sodering at Vital. Shall I invite them to this discussion? :) (just kidding)

Scott Thomas

On Feb 27, 2011, at 8:01 PM, Chuck Reti wrote:

> I never had the "pleasure" of using a Vital. Did use some ISI (Gainesville) product, and also American Data (worst-construction-ever. From Alabama, maybe).
> Also did TS 40, an even older TS 20, and CDLs. No Sarkes switcher, but I remember from first NABs I went to that S-T seemed to have a new silly wipe pattern or two every year. I spent a few days at ST Bloomington IN in '74. My employer had bought their last 
> "Polychrome" cameras and I was the lucky one to get the factory training. The enhancer level control was actually labelled "Pizzazz." <roll eyes>
> Chuck Reti
> WV8A
> Detroit MIl

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