[QuadList] Vital... Gainesville

Scott Thomas scottgfx at mac.com
Mon Feb 28 00:18:39 CST 2011

I just worked with a trainer from Harris named Beverley Offenberg. She talked about working on Sonny and Cher at CBS.
She does training on Harris/Inscriber graphics products. It was really fun working with her.

Scott Thomas

On Feb 28, 2011, at 12:13 AM, rabruner at aol.com wrote:
> The 114 switcher was used by CBS to produce shows like Sonny and Cher that featured a lot of those kinds of tricky transitions.  It was used in Nashville to produce Hee Haw for the same reason. The 114 had a lot of potential as a switcher, but it suffered from a lack of development to knock the rough edges off. It just wouldn't stay adjusted.

> Bob Bruner
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