[QuadList] Broadcast Store

Chill315 at aol.com Chill315 at aol.com
Sun Feb 13 13:58:09 CST 2011

I also agree.  I always felt like I was not even close to a deal when  I 
talked to them.  Very high and just never felt comfortable with  them.
Chris Hill
In a message dated 2/13/2011 1:39:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
park at videopark.com writes:


I agree. Maybe it is like a used car lot where they can make you a great  
"deal" by taking 50% off!

I went to an auction by the former BCS and the stuff was mostly  junk. 

Perhaps they also have a bridge in New York to sell...



C. Park Seward
Cell: 818-535-2747
Home: 541-476-6657
2" Quad and 1" "C" transfers
Visit us: _http://www.videopark.com_ (http://www.videopark.com/) 

On Feb 13, 2011, at 4:18 AM, <_bill.spencer at northstarstudios.tv_ 
(mailto:bill.spencer at northstarstudios.tv) >  <_bill.spencer at northstarstudios.tv_ 
(mailto:bill.spencer at northstarstudios.tv) >  wrote:

These  guys are nuts!  They have been trying to peddle those Canadian 
AVR-2s  for almost a year and it is unclear if they want $49k for all 5 or $49k  
each.  They now have an AVR-3 listed for $95k and at that price it  better 
be better than new!  All the Beta stuff listed is 2 to 3 times  the going 
price also.
Bill  Spencer
RF Engineering  Supervisor
NorthStar Studios,  Inc.
3201 Dickerson  Pike
Nashville, TN  37207

Phone 615.650.6000 ext.  6610
Cell  615.445.5616
Fax  615.650.6027
email _bill.spencer at northstarstudios.tv_ 
(mailto:bill.spencer at northstarstudios.tv) 

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