[QuadList] some turrest have plugs, some connectors and some have nothing? huh?

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Wed Mar 16 23:42:56 CDT 2011

very interesting...   apparently for  attaching  something that had a light 
bulb in it or???
some turret have plugs, some connectors and some have  nothing? huh?  they 
all seem to have the same surface finish..  kind of a matte tk 11  color...


Ed Sharpe, Archivist for SMECC  

See the Museum's Web Site at _www.smecc.org_ (http://www.smecc.org/) 

We are always looking for  items to add to the museum's display and ref. 
library - please advise if you  have anything we can use.

Coury House / SMECC
5802 W. Palmaire Ave.  Phone 623-435-1522
Glendale Az 85301 USA

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