[QuadList] Ampex Models

W4wj at aol.com W4wj at aol.com
Tue Mar 1 00:15:32 CST 2011

Our ENG 3/4" playout was live from 4 BVU-200 decks, each  with it's own 
dedicated monitor package, remote control  panel and TBC.
The production ACR was used to play out clips from the network news and 
also any pre-recorded news pieces
that the control room produced before air.
73, Don, W4WJ
Retired from 40 years of Miami TV  Engineering
35+ years at NBC O&O WTVJ 
In a message dated 2/28/2011 8:50:33 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
wcarpen107 at yahoo.com writes:

Hi Cris and everybody!

Yes, That was a great  meeting, and my paper was sort of an alternative 
answer to the ENG  question. The handwriting was on the wall related to Eng, 
when we came  back to the Hotel later on Friday night after driving in the 
heavy snow  and found that the "crackbarrel" session in a small room on the 
lower  level was attended by maybe 200 engineers mostly out in the halllway,  
not the 25-30 that normally go to those unplanned & unstructured  sessions.

The next day, a good old southern boy from Atlanta,  Hugo Bundy (if my 35+ 
years memory is right) got up and tore apart every  piece equipment that he 
had used! 
Then he put up a slide of his  ACR-25, and stated that without this machine 
the whole ENG effort would  have been unuseable!
He said they would roll the 3/4" field tapes  many times and record each 
time until they got the one that  worked  and then use the ACR to clip the 
ends, and also that this would allow  last second changes in the news playback 
on an "as required" basis with  NO PROBLEMS. 
The ACR was his last slide and was on-sceen for over  half on his paper and 
all of the Q & A.
I was sitting next to Don  Kleffman, our Marketing Manager, and two levels 
above me, when leaned  over and asked me if I had anything to do with this 
I  answered NO, but I was sure going to buy the man a drink or more before  
the weekend was over! Don was pleased with my answer!

Bill  Carpenter

PS: Frank Davis was always a great field engineer and a  good friend, both 
at Belo, and previously at Northwest  Teleproductions.

--- On Mon, 2/28/11, Chill315 at aol.com  <Chill315 at aol.com> wrote:

From:  Chill315 at aol.com <Chill315 at aol.com>
Subject: [QuadList] Ampex  Models
To: quadlist at quadvideotapegroup.com
Date: Monday,  February 28, 2011, 4:35 PM

I was not sure of the actual count and I thought there might be  21.  The 
question was answered with all sorts of speed.   

The ones that I thought might be difficult were the E models  of the 1100 
and the 1200.  Also the VR-3000B.
I did see the VR-3000B demonstrated at the Detroit SMPTE meeting  as an 
alternative to 3/4 tape.  It worked beautifully.  The  operating cost must have 
been against it.  Frank Davis was at the  meeting and manned the booth.  He 
later became a VP at  Belo.  
I know of another VR-1200 that had the detachable monitor  rack.  This was 
sold to the University of Michigan Television  Center.  It was used in the 
studio and in a remote truck that  only did a few shows in black and white.  
There was a monitor  setup in the truck.
Now were there any VR-1001B models?  The reason that I  ask is that the 
Intersync book tells about how to install the  Intersync in the VR-1001A.  Was 
it standard in the B model?   So who can answer this question?
Chris Hill

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