[QuadList] Thanks to Bill and George for recent pix--Message Size advisory

Ted Langdell ted at quadvideotapegroup.com
Thu May 19 13:00:47 CDT 2011

Thanks to Bill and George for their recent picture submissions, and to  
all the folks who have been contributing pictures in recent weeks.

They are much appreciated, especially in that they may not exist in  
any other collections.

Just a reminder that messages (pictures plus text = message) that are  
1MB or more get held up for review by the webmaster (little old me)  
which can sometimes delay the fun... especially if I'm on the road and  
not looking at the QuadList admin messages very often.

Mail clients that put out HTML or formatted messages may have two  
versions of the message in the message—plain text and the formatted  
version—which will add to the message size.  My Mac's Apple MAIL does  
that unless I change the formatting to plain text.

That might explain why George's resending of the Ampex Heads picture  
got held, even though he'd reduced the size of the picture file.

So if you're planning to send pictures, please try to make sure that  
the total MESSAGE size is under 1MB.  It'll get posted to the list as  
quickly as text-only messages do.

I'll have some interesting photos on the list and on the  
QuadVideotapeGroup.com website fairly soon.


Ted Langdell

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