[QuadList] NATIONAL TELEVISION Servicemen's Week, and the award given in 1955

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Tue May 24 03:37:42 CDT 2011


_A Tribute to the TV  Serviceman_ 
NATIONAL TELEVISION Servicemen's Week, a  nation-wide tribute to the 
100,000 technicians who service the 34,500,000  television sets of the American 
public, was inaugurated on March 7 at the  close of NBC's unprecedented color 
telecast of "Peter Pan." Read   about this 1955 event  _>>HERE<<_ 

Ed Sharpe, Archivist for SMECC  

See the Museum's Web Site at _www.smecc.org_ (http://www.smecc.org/) 
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