[QuadList] What's This?

Bill Carpenter wcarpen107 at yahoo.com
Mon May 16 10:42:36 CDT 2011

OK, George,

I had missed the Apartment Building on Broadway near the right top where I turned to follow the frontage road to the south, to get on 101 south, to go home to Sunnyvale, 101 to HY85, to Fremont Ave, which is a half mile from home, a 14.5 mile trip.
The large building in the center top with the vertical details on the outside, was built before 1972, and was known as "Fort Roberts", because the narrow vertical windows looked like Gun Ports. It was also the building which the CEO, Bill Roberts ( ex-Bell & Howell) had built for the finance folks. So it may have been a take on Fort Knox?
This is where I worked after the 89 Quake, from Oct till May 90, and then again from 93 till late 96 when I retired.

Bye for now, Bill & Gewyn & Ginger (whoof...whoof)

--- On Sun, 5/15/11, george keller <georgenann at aol.com> wrote:

From: george keller <georgenann at aol.com>
Subject: [QuadList] What's This?
To: quadlist at quadvideotapegroup.com
Date: Sunday, May 15, 2011, 4:01 PM

Can anyone ID this?


George Keller

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