[QuadList] OT: 1" Type-B format question

Dennis Degan DennyD1 at verizon.net
Mon Apr 2 16:18:48 CDT 2012

		On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:05 AM, Don Norwood wrote:

 > Type-A machines are like the VPR-1 & 2 in that they have A-wind for  
the supply reel and B-wind for the take-up.  I have gotten a couple of  
Type-A tapes that arrived B-wind due to being stored tails-out, so the  
wind isn't an absolute indication of format, but in most cases it is.

		I recall:

	Somehow in the back of my mind, in some dark and dusty corner of it,  
I remember we had some VPR-2's at Unitel with a takeup reel switch  
that allowed A- or B-winding.  These machines must have been Type-A  
VTRs upgraded to Type-C and further modified to allow for A-winding.

		Don also said:

 > When you say that the CT head is on the Video Head, I assume that  
you mean it is a stationary head mounted at the drum, and not a part  
of the rotating scanner?  It does seem that the track placement  
between A1 & A2 is unusual. I wonder what the reason for that might  
have been?

		I joke:

	To add a 240Hz buzz to both audio tracks?     ;)  (or whatever it  
would comparably be for a PAL machine . . . .  )

			Dennis Degan, Video Editor-Consultant-Knowledge Bank
					     NBC Today Show, New York

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