[QuadList] PVC chemistry

Tim Stoffel tim at lionlamb.us
Sat Aug 18 17:19:27 CDT 2012

On Sat, 2012-08-18 at 20:12 +0000, Dale Lamm wrote:
> I've seen my share of synthetic hoses deteriorating after years of use. Am 
> concerned whether the PVC spoken of in VTR air systems is the same grade of 
> PVC now used as wire insulation. It would seem unwise to build new studios 
> using small gauge wiring having PVC insulation or jacket material, if indeed 
> it decomposes and eats away at metal. Any wire gurus here who can comment?

I have seen this only rarely with typical studio wiring. I have seen it
on high voltage wiring in transmitters. Although it does not damage the
ability of the wire to carry high voltage, it does make it brittle and
easy to damage. It, in my experience, usually makes a big mess.

I have seen this on a few Sony power cords, though.

Tim Stoffel

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