[QuadList] Splicing 2" videotape question

John Walko jwalko at scenesavers.com
Fri Feb 10 11:03:25 CST 2012

Hello all:


I need some advice, please.

We were working with a 2” tape that had a number of splices.  One of the
splices came apart as we were shuttling the tape.

What is the best way to repair a splice (or make a new one)?  What type of
tape should be used?  I’ve spliced ¾” tape and ½” tape (and have the
appropriate splicing blocks and tape), but never 2” tape. 


Note, I don’t have a splicing block for 2” tape.  Is splicing even possible
without a splicing block?


Any advice would be welcome.

Thank you;


John Walko

Media Archive Manager

 <http://www.scenesavers.com> www.scenesavers.com



513-708-1474 (cell)


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