[QuadList] OT-- what is this rca camera it is NOT a tk 76--It's a Panason...

COURYHOUSE at aol.com COURYHOUSE at aol.com
Wed Feb 22 18:06:02 CST 2012

nice  but  can not  find any  Panasonic photo  by  that  number online to 
Ted  what os  did  you change? I remember  when i  went  from win 98 to xp  
parallel   port   scanners  seemed  no t  to be happy any  longer
In a message dated 2/22/2012 12:20:09 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
ted at quadvideotapegroup.com writes:

Catching up on drafts from several weeks ago...

This is an RCA TK-710, vendored from Panasonic, if I recall my history  
from 1984.

To confirm, I've been looking for a picture of the Panasonic AK-710,  which 
an RCA tube guide indicates used the same tubes.

A freelancer in Sacramento was testing the TK-710 while deciding whether  
to buy one.  

Back when you posted this, I tried to scan a picture with one, but found  
my recent OS upgrade kiboshed the scanning software I was using.

It was shot during the 1984 California International Marathon at the  
Capitol in Sacramento, CA.  Cameraman Terry Toller with the TK-710 on the  left 
and me (in thinner days) on the right doing a standup is what you'd see  if 
I'd have been able to scan it.

On Feb 10, 2012, at 4:48 PM, _COURYHOUSE at aol.com_ 
(mailto:COURYHOUSE at aol.com)  wrote:



Ted Langdell

Fifth Annual Quad Videotape Group Lunch at  NAB

12:30pm, Tuesday, April 17,  2012
Lower South Hall REAR food concession  area


See us at NAB 2012,  April 16-19 in _Booth  SL-9607_ 

Use code 2012 for your free _NAB  Exhibits  Pass_ 


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