[QuadList] OT: is S-VHS "obsolete" in copyright law's eyes?

Scott Thomas scottgfx at mac.com
Tue Feb 28 13:34:13 CST 2012

I found a fleeting reference on Wikipedia:

"Faroudja was notable for co-development of the Hi-8 and S-VHS standards in 1987-1988."


On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Don Norwood wrote:
> Hi Scott:
> I don't know of any tie between the S-VHS format itself and Faroudja. However, regarding the machines themselves, as with many other products, not all are created equal.  The JVC "22" series machines did use Faroudja technology both in Y/C separation and in chroma reproduction.  These are the same machines that I was asking James about in his opinion of the various manufacturers.  There may have been others using Faroujda circuitry as well, but a quick scan of old literature files didn't turn up anything.  Although multi-generation quality was improved by these machines, it was certainly less than optimal.  As an acquisition format, first generation playback, especially when using component outputs to feed the editing format machine of your choice, was surprisingly good.
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